As part of Neighbourhood watch in Comberton, maybe you should consider Think WIDEN
The simple, evidence-based WIDE measures which can be taken in any home on a variety of budgets.
At Neighbourhood Watch, we also believe neighbours keeping an eye out for each other is key to reducing burglary, so they’ve extended the WIDE acronym to WIDE(N):
- W: WINDOWS: Keep your windows locked
- I: INTERIOR: Put inside lights on a timer/smart bulb
- D: DOORS: Double or deadlock your doors
- E: EXTERIOR: Put outside lights on a sensor
- (N): NEIGHBOURS: Keep an eye out for your neighbours
To learn more about WIDE(N) and burglary prevention measures, visit
John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network, said
‘It is not okay for two-thirds of people to fear being burgled. More needs to be done to help people be and feel safer, and when it comes to burglary, prevention is always better than cure. Since 1982 we have been supporting communities to feel and be safer. We know that by securing your home’s windows, interior, doors, exterior and keeping an eye out for neighbours, we can all give ourselves the best chance of not being burgled. If you have been burgled recently, criminals are familiar with your home and may come back once you’ve had time to purchase new items. Act soon to avoid being retargeted – use the WIDE(N) advice for a combination of simple yet effective prevention measures.’