A COVID-19 Gong for our Locum Clerk

Elizabeth White BEM

Elizabeth earned her British Empire Medal for services to the community in Longstanton, during Covid-19.

Libby,as the Parish Council knows her, is the Parish Clerk (amongst other things) at Longstanton.

Since June this year she was appointed Locum Clerk to Comberton Parish Council until a new Parish Clerk was appointed this month.

She’s been a fount of knowledge and help to the Council during this period and obviously also to Longstanton.

During this time most of the Parish Council have only seen her on Zoom !

Explorer Trail Competition !

Want to design a trail to show the best parts of Comberton, Barton, Toft and Hardwick?

Do you want to show the best historic parts or maybe the funkiest modern details of our village?  Maybe you want people to learn about the fauna or the animals that we have resident nearby. Whatever excites you, or makes you proud of our villages, we want you to share these details with those around us. We are looking to create fantastic walks, trails, and routes around the villages that are informative, fun and help our residents enjoy the beautiful countryside that we live within.

We currently have one wonderful historic trail, the ‘Comberton Jubilee Walk’, and we would like to complement and expand by having a set of ‘Explorer trails’ so that people of all ages, different interests and diverse walks of life, will be inspired to enjoy being outside in a safe and healthy manner in Comberton and the surrounding villages.

All entries have to be submitted to Comberton Parish Council by the 15th December 2020. They will be considered by the Parish Council and the three winning entries will then be put into action in 2021, both virtually on our website and with appropriate wayfinding around the village.

see the attached Explorer Trail Competition for more details …