Parish Council August Planning meeting

This months Parish Council Planning meeting will be held on line using ZOOM on Thursday 8th August 7.00 pm.

If you don’t have ZOOM already then you can choose the ZOOM ‘client’ – for Iphones/Google choose Zoom Mobile Apps, for PC select Zoom Client for Meetings – download it by clicking on this link  ZOOM 

It would be advisable to join just before the meeting starts.

The agenda can be seen here PARISH COUNCIL PLANNING SUMMONS 6-8-20

The draft minutes can be seen here Planning minutes 6-8-20

Safety in the Community Survey urgent !

This survey aims to collate information from the public on perceptions of safety within their communities. This survey is extremely important in the current climate where the Covid-19 pandemic prevents face to face community engagement. The results of this survey will directly affect the way in which community safety in certain geographical locations is prioritised among the statutory bodies within the South Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership.

Could you please take some time to complete this survey it takes just 6 minutes to complete.

The survey will close on Sunday 26th July 2020.

South Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is made up of representatives from South Cambs District Council,  Cambridgeshire County Council, Police, Fire and Rescue Service and the NHS and Probation Service, who work together to deal with local crime and anti-social behaviour issues.