EWR on-line interactive consultation – updated

EWR On-Line consultation

EWR have released their online consulation rooms where you can see their proposals in more detail.

Click here to visit it or here to go to the area near Comberton

An especially useful addition is the online interactive map – choose the Clapham to Eversdens one ! Here’s a short cut View the Clapham Green to The Eversdens interactive map.

The Eversden Parish council hosted mayoral hustings on the 7th of April that was focussed on EWR. A YouTube streaming of the 1hour plus event can be seen here

It is hoped that the Parish Council will hold a consultation in May to allow you to voice comments prior to submitting your response.

In addition there are Geographically based public events. The first public event, or webinar, in your area will give you an overview of the project, the consultation and a summary of the EWR proposals in the named area followed by a question and answer session.The second public event, or webinar, will give you greater detail of what most interests local communities in the area such as the environment, cost and the benefits of the project, followed by a question and answer session.

Clapham Green to The Eversdens

Public event one*Thursday 15 April11am – 12pmRescheduled (see below: events two and three)
Public event two (new)Tuesday 20 April4pm – 5pmJoining instructions: Please join by following this link.
Public event three (new)Wednesday 21 April7pm – 8pmJoining instructions: Please join by following this link.
Public event fourTuesday 11 May2pm – 3pmJoining instructions: Please join by following this link.

*Due to technical difficulties, this event was unfortunately cut short. Additional events have been added on 20 April and 21 April, as shown above.

NEW 20th May

Live chat public events

EWR will be holding weekly, two-hour live chat sessions where members of the public will be able to engage with the EWR Co project team to ask questions. All you need to do is visit any of their virtual consultation rooms and open the chat box function on the screen to chat directly to a member of the East West Rail team. The chat box appears in the bottom corner in a blue speech bubble, as shown below. Please note: Depending on your security permissions, you may need to disable pop ups in order to see and use the tool.

Public live chat week 7: Thursday 20 May, 10am – 12pm (new)

Public live chat week 7: Saturday 22 May, 10am-12pm