Comberton’s Coronavirus Caring Community

Many in our Comberton Community are already stepping up to help neighbours and friends; but if you feel a bit alone or are in need of some help then please get in touch.

Comberton Help Scheme (via Janet McCabe)
263387 @

Comberton Baptist Church (Rev Keith Tarring)
264447 @

St Mary’s Church (Rev David Newton)
665654 @

Please also contact them if you are under 70 years old and can help in any way.

Remember that you do not need to stockpile and that excessive purchases of commodities leave nothing for the needy and pensioners who may not be able to afford more than their weekly shop. They may not even be able to shop !

and if you then bin it because you didn’t use it you may have caused hardship or worse to the vulnerable !


Corona virus briefing.. what you can do..

“I know that people are concerned about news reports on the spread of Covid-19 – or Coronavirus. This continues to be a fast moving issue, which is being carefully monitored by Public Health England (PHE) with the current impact and risk to the UK population considered moderate.

However, there are some really simple steps we can all take to get into good habits to protect ourselves and others to stop the spread of viruses and germs including Coronavirus.

These include:
• Wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds, and use soap and hot water.
• Particularly remember to wash your hands after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being in public areas or travelling on public transport.
• Promote the Catch it, Bin it, Kill it We can all reduce the spread of all germs when we cough or sneeze, by covering mouths and noses with a tissue, or a sleeve (not your hands) if you don’t have a tissue, and throw the tissue away immediately in a closed bin
• Keep up to date with information from trusted sources – like these:

o Public Health England – five things you can do to protect yourself and your community: … community/

o For updates see the NHS dedicated Coronavirus webpage

Dr. Liz Robin
Director of Public Health
Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council