Duxford Battle of Britain Airshow

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

Don’t miss the chance to witness the moving sight and sound of the Lancaster, Spitfire and Hurricane of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight at 1.40pm at IWM Duxford, especially given the good weather expected over the weekend.

On Saturday they will be flying down from RAF Coningsby, a Typhoon and fighter base, in Lincolnshire and so normally fly over the American Cemetery at Madingley and down Long Road. So keep your eyes peeled in that direction say from 1:25pm on Saturday. Perhaps again at 2pm on Sunday when they fly back.

There will be other aircraft from WWII flying in and out over the weekend, both German, US and UK planes.


Mass Spitfire formation

At 4.50pm,see the now famous Spitfire Flypast, will fill the sky over the Duxford Battle of Britain Air Show and hopefully then flying over Comberton their way home at 5pm on Sunday.

‘Low life’ hare coursers set their car on fire and it spread to a field along Long Road !

Later police found them in the pub with loads of dogs. Hare coursers who torched their own vehicle managed to set an entire field on fire.

At around 12pm on Sunday 11th August, police received reports of hare coursing in a field off Long Road in Comberton.

There was no sign of the coursers but they had left behind a car on fire which spread to the recently harvested field.

image from Cambs Police RCAT

However, the coursers hadn’t gone very far, and police were able to track them down in a nearby pub.

Officers said they were given away by the five dogs they had with them, all of whom didn’t have microchips.

The four men were arrested, however due to a witness being reluctant to give a statement police were forced to de-arrest them.

However, they were dispersed and escorted from the county by officers.

The five dogs have been taken into care.

Cambs Police Rural Crime Action Team (RCAT) police officers said:

“We will identify the vehicle and see if it has any insurance. Most coursing vehicles are not as they tend to use traders policies. “[Damage to the field] will come out of the farmers pocket. At least it had just been harvested so the crop was gone but there is still the loss of the sale of straw.”

Help Tackle Hare Coursing in South Cambs