Cambs Police warn about upturn in local burglaries

Cambridgeshire Police are urging homeowners to check their home security following a spate of burglaries across the south of the county.

Detective Sergeant Jon Lockwood, from the force’s Acquisitive Crime Team, said: “We’ve seen burglaries in Cambridge where victims are leaving doors and windows unlocked, which is being exploited by opportunistic burglars. There has been a spike of these……  ”

Police recommend the following home security advice when you’re not at home:

  • Lift, lock and remove the key from your doors and make sure it’s double-locked if possible.
  • Make sure windows are secure and locked.
  • Make sure that any valuables are out of sight.
  • Keep handbags away from the letterbox or cat flap and hide all keys, including car keys, as a thief could hook keys or valuables through even a small opening.
  • Never leave car documents or ID in obvious places, such as kitchens or hallways.
  • In the evening, shut the curtains and leave lights on.
  • If you’re out all day, then it’s advisable to use a timer device to automatically turn lights and a radio on at night.
  • Set your burglar alarm.
  • Make sure the side gate is locked.
  • Lock your shed or garage.
  • Lock your bike inside a secure shed or garage, to a robust fitting bolted to the ground or wall, like a ground anchor.

Further home security advice can be found on the force website.