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Comberton Playground to re-open this weekend

Following an in-depth professional safety report on the playground equipment and checking how the Parish Council can re-open the playground in line with Govt. COFID19 guidelines/legislation..

Noon Sat 11th July !!

The Parish Council asks that people abide by the guidance notes on particular equipment usage and being COFID19 secure when using the Playground.

You are advised to bring your own sanitiser and wipes with you; to wash all hands before you leave your home (thus not bringing the virus to the Rec.) and when you return (thus not bring anything back into your home). Stay safe and protect yourselves and the rest of Comberton !

The Dome is still out of bounds due to two safety issues identified in the checks (blue slide issue and compressed/hard safety bark surface). Other equipment can be used subject to social distance guidance displayed.

You may find an indication as to how, in depth, Comberton Parish Council strived to open the playground equipment by July 11th 2020. click here


Extraordinary Comberton Parish Council Meeting (online)

An extraordinary Parish Council meeting will be held on line using ZOOM on Thursday 9th July  2020 at 7.30 pm.

It includes an item on remedial work and safety implications for before opening the Playground,
following Govt. guidelines (see Comberton Playground still closed temporarily, unfortunately.)

If you don’t have ZOOM already then you can choose the ZOOM ‘client’ – for Iphones/Google choose Zoom Mobile Apps, for PC select Zoom Client for Meetings – download it by clicking on ZOOM .

You don’t have to register, you can choose to use a camera(Video) or not;  just check it works, mute your mike and join Meeting ID: 891 0272 9108
entering 994841 when prompted.

You could stay anonymous or preferably use your name if you wish to speak; this will be displayed to the meeting coordinator and other participants.

It would be advisable to join before the meeting starts, say 7:25 pm.

Its agenda is here:
