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Conservative local MP elected but with decreased majority

Conservative Anthony Browne won the South Cambridgeshire seat with 31,015 votes, ahead of Lib Dem Ian Sollom, who picked up 28,111 votes.

Anthony Browne (Conservative)

  • Votes:31,015
  • Vote share %:46.3
  • Vote share change:-5.5

Dan Greef (Labour)

  • Votes:7,803
  • Vote share %:11.7
  • Vote share change:-15.6

Ian Sollom (Liberal Democrat)

  • Votes:28,111
  • Vote share %:42.0
  • Vote share change:+23.4

Turnout was 67,236 – 77.03%, up 0.5 % since 2017

Non election news – Cambridge win twice

Oxford 5-8 Cambridge

They’ve done it! The ladies  left it a bit late, but they’ve done it! Cambridge secure their third consecutive Varsity Match victory.

Coreen Grant was named player of the match after Oxford led at half time Oxford 5-3 Cambridge.


Oxford  0-15 Cambridge (half time Oxford 0-5 Cambridge)

The Varsity Match 2019 champions are Cambridge University!