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One week left to vote for the Cambridgeshire Charity

One week left to vote in the Hopkins Homes Cambridgeshire Charity vote!

Top three will get a share of a £10,000 donation:

Hopkins Homes will donate a total of £10,000 split between the three charities who receive the most votes from the public.

The charities with the most votes when the poll closes at 5pm Friday 15 March will receive £7,000, £2,000 or £1,000 respectively.

The following short-list was put together by Hopkins Homes with help from the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation and focuses on charities chiefly concerned with key themes of homelessness and displacement, deprivation and vulnerable people.

  1. Blue Smile Project          
  2. Centre 33
  3. Home-Start Royston and South Cambridgeshire
  4. Red Balloon
  5. Red2Green
  6. Wintercomfort

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