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A428 upgrade to the west of Caxton Gibbet announced

A428 new dual carriageway announced

Ten miles of the choked-up A428’s current route is set to be replaced by a separate new dual carriageway in major plans announced by Highways England.

The brand new 10-mile dual carriageway will link the Caxton Gibbet roundabout near Cambourne with the soon-to-be-upgraded Black Cat roundabout and a new junction at Cambridge Road and new bridges.

With this new dual carriageway the existing A428 is set to become a local road, serving communities between St Neots and Caxton Gibbet.

There are also major plans to create a three-tier junction at the Black Cat, which will allow drivers passing through the junction to do so uninterrupted while keeping the roundabout clear for other drivers who are making turns between the roads.

Work on the upgrade could begin in 2022, in a scheme costing between £810 million and £1.4 billion.

The work is being funded by the Government’s £15 billion Road Investment Strategy, which is the biggest investment in road infrastructure since the 1970s.