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Pancake Race Tues 19th Feb 2019

Pancake Race Tues 19th Feb 2019

Comberton WI has organised its well known annual event in the Spring.

Yes it’s the Comberton Annual Pancake race to be held from 10:30 am in the Village Hall Car Park on Tuesday 19th February.

Come along, bring the kids, the grand kids and yourselves to cheer the races.

You only have to finish to get the cheers.

I think even walking is permitted – at least then you have less chance of losing your pancake during the toss 🙂

Comberton needs YOU !

Comberton needs YOU !

Your Comberton Parish Council currently has three vacancies and warmly invites any
parishioner who would like to serve on the Parish Council to contact the Clerk.

You should consider becoming a Parish Councillor if:

  • You want to do more for your community
  • You want to spend your time productively
  • You can think, listen and act locally

As with most things, the more you put in, the more you (and your community) will
get out of it.

The Council employs a Clerk to support it in its work both at meetings and also
between meetings. The Parish Council meet each month on the second Wednesday of
the month at 7:30pm in the Village Hall.

If you are interested in joining the Parish Council or want more information on vacancies please write to or email the @" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Clerk .

The Parish Council hopes to fill vacancies at its next meeting.