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Box lost in Hillfield Road 28th Feb

Someone  lost a box about 4” by 4” containing jewellery of great sentimental value on Hillfield Road
on Wednesday 28th February, while visiting their daughter.

If anyone has found it, they would be very grateful if you could contact them on 01473659433

Comberton Pavement Gritting completed in advance of more snow on Thursday/Friday

Your Community Gritting Volunteers, Ian and Richard, have been out this morning gritting the pavements that have been designated by Cambs County Council.

That basically means school, transport, shopping and surgery routes.

So CVC to Budgens, Crossroad to Butchers, Crossroad to Surgery, Budgens to Meridian (and a bit of Harbour Avenue), Barton Road to bus shelter (and to the mini roundabout).

We did this today, in advance of any directive from CCC, since tomorrows wind chill factor could make it unsafe for us  to work; also the sun had melted the snow on some of the pavements making the salting more effective.

Remember only go out if you have to, to take a blanket, flask and phone. Better still stay indoors with your heating set to at least 18degC.  Next week is looking warmer 🙂

We have to commend CCC Highways ; both of us had an issue with the spreaders on our units; It was reported to CCC at 4pm and by 4:30pm we had a promise from Dennis Vacher of CCC Highways that he would deliver replacements tomorrow. A CCC hero 🙂