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Cambridge Morris Men perform at Comberton Crossroads

The Cambridge Morris men are at the crossroads in Comberton to perform their Plough Monday series of Molly dances starting at 11am. (Green End will normally be closed to traffic)

The Cambridge Morris Men (CMM)  were founded in 1924 and are one of the oldest revival sides in the country. In 1977 CMM revived the Cambridgeshire Molly dances which had been performed years ago in Comberton and other local villages.

Plough Monday, the traditional start of the new agricultural year, falls on the first Monday after Epiphany, the Twelfth Day of Christmas (7th January). ..   So wrap up well and come along to the crossroads before 11am on Monday 8th January.

Flood Alert Comberton for New Years Weekend

Flood Alert for Bourn Brook at Comberton

This message has been issued  by the Environment Agency due to the heavy rain experienced over the last 24 hours. It was issued at 9am on 30th December.

This means that the water levels in the Bourn Brook are high. The forecast is for light rain over the next few days. We are expecting there to be no property flooding as a result of high river levels, but there could be some issues caused by surface water flooding. Locations most at risk are Bourn Brook from Toft to Comberton. The Environment Agency are monitoring river levels and have staff in the field checking for and clearing blockages.

Current River Level: 1.188m, rising

Above normal for this location
Current level recorded at 4:30am, Saturday 30th December GMT
Change from previous measurement: 0.270m

This is measured at the bridge  over the Bourne Brook south of Comberton. (The measuring station in Bourne itself is now virtual static, but showing  three times higher than normal.)

The Village Pond is already full due to snow melt on the fields along Green End and Branch Road…. Be prepared for South Street to flood at the Causeway….  Check alongside Barton Road…..