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Planned P&R at Madingley Road would impact Comberton access into Cambridge and …

The Greater Cambridge Partnership is extending the Cambourne to Better Bus Journeys public consultation to give residents additional time to consider the options. There is an exhibition at CVC on Wednesday 29th November..

They want as many people as possible to find out about what options are proposed and to give them their views on those options.

Since last week, GCP have been made aware of some information about the proposal that was unintentionally left out of some material. They have updated this information and are grateful for the feedback received.

They  have updated this information and are grateful for the feedbackreceived to point this out.

Please note the following clarifications:
• Park & Ride comparison table (Page 11): Both Scotland Farm and the Waterworks site are located within the green-belt.
•Route comparison table (page 18, journey times): The journey time range for Route C is 21.5 to 33.5 minutes.
• Route comparison table (page 18, impact of bus routes on general traffic): Route A infrastructure is a bus lane and standard bus transport that interacts with traffic and can be affected by congestion; Route B infrastructure is a central tidal lane on Madingley Road, which would provide faster movement of buses into and out of Cambridge during peak periods. At other times, buses would travel in general traffic.


The consultation will now run from 13 November for 11 weeks, through to January 29 2018. Visit the consultation page at

Why  should Comberton vote for  even more congestion going east at the Madingley Mulch Roundabout versus just P&R Buses every 10-20 minutes from the Dry Drayton Roundabout ? It’s your call.

There’s a ‘consultation’ – i.e. an exhibition of what GCP propose – between 14:30-15:30 on Wednesday 19th November.  Bad luck to those who work !!