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Parish Council Vacancy May 2017

There is currently a vacancy on the Parish Council.

If you wish to apply, or suggest someone who would be willing to stand, then please contact the Parish Clerk within 10 days.

Otherwise the Parish Council has the power to second a councillor.


Bedford Quire Concert May weekend

A concert organised by the Friends of St Mary’s Church Comberton

Preparations for this  weekend’s concert are progressing…

  • Quire, car parking, tickets and Wine / Beer have been organised.
  • There are artcards and notelets to buy and take away
  • Tickets on the door are still available at £8

The concert is on Saturday 13th May in St Mary’s Church. The event starts at 7pm with an opportunity to avail yourself of Wine or Juices prior to the concert.

All we need now is you to come and enjoy a great evening…

After the Event UPDATE:

A quite unusual event with a significant insight into the earlier centuries in Comberton and some aspects that no-one seemed to know about. The Quire had  certainly done some deep digging into Comberton’s history.

Hopefully a future article in Contact will enlighten us. The Friends of St. Mary’s Church hope to have raised nearly £1000 towards their target of £5000 in their first year to support ongoing repairs to our village church.