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Village Crossroads gets new double yellow lines and zebra crossing nearby

Workmen have added zigzag lines denoting a Zebra Crossing to the east of the Post Office and DOUBLE YELLOW lines before and after them. Parkinbg is strictly NOT allowed in these areas, not even to pst aletter, drop off or shop.

An area of anti skid tarmac has been laid before the zigzag lines for added safety.

The zebra crossing and signs/lights will be installed later. This project has been sponsored by the Parish Council following a Village Traffic Survey.

Local Election Result – Conservatives hold Comberton and secure Mayor for the region

County Council Election

Conservative candidate Lina Joseph won by nearly 500 votes:

  • Philip Allen 1,369 (Lib Dems)
  • Norman Crowther 456 (Lab)
  • Anna Serena Gomori-Woodcock 258 (Green)
  • Lina Maria Joseph 1,840 (Con).

Mayor for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough

Cllr Palmer, leader of East Cambridgeshire District Council, saw off competition from six other candidates, including Lib Dem candidate and Cambridge City councillor Rod Cantril, and Labour candidate and city councillor Kevin Price, to secure the coveted role.

He beat the Lib Dem’s Rod Cantrill in the second round vote.

The mayor will oversee a £20 million annual budget devolved from government, and will also have devolved powers to spend up to £800 million on local housing, infrastructure and jobs.