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If you have children at home, or are susceptible, you need to read this !

Group A Strep is a common bacteria which causes a range of infections.

Cases of invasive Group A Strep are rare, but parents should be aware of what to look out for. If you think your child is seriously unwell, call 999 or go to A&E.

Group A streptococcus (GAS), also referred to as Strep A is a common bacterium. Lots of us carry it in our throats and on our skin and it doesn’t always result in illness. However, GAS does cause a number of infections, some mild and some more serious.



The most serious infections linked to GAS come from invasive group A strep, known as iGAS.

These infections are caused by the bacteria getting into parts of the body where it is not normally found, such as the lungs or bloodstream. In rare cases an iGAS infection can be fatal.

Whilst iGAS infections are still uncommon, there has been an increase in cases this year, particularly in children under 10 and sadly, a small number of deaths.

Recreation facilities survey deadline extended to last day in January

Comberton Parish Council are running an online survey about the recreation facilities that the village should plan to have in the future.

The Parish Council is extending the deadline to submit a response to the Recreation Facilities Survey to 31st January 2023. The more responses we receive, the stronger our applications for funding will be. Note that we accept one response per resident. Groups are invited to email a letter to the clerk ( @ ). If you have any questions, or if you would like to help, please contact the clerk. Many thanks

The online survey is here , it closes on 31st January 2023.

CPC needs more responses from the old age groups, and teenagers to reflect better our village demographics!!