Parish Council


All meetings of the Parish Council are open to the public; there is a 10 minute session at the beginning of the meeting where the public may give comments to the Council. Throughout the remainder of the meeting the public may not take part in the discussions. Meetings take place  normally  at the Village Hall on the second Wednesday of each month (except August) usually starting at 7.30 p.m. and finishing by 10.00 p.m. at the latest

The meeting agendas and minutes are available on the Parish Council website by clicking here

Anyone wishing to raise a matter for consideration by the Council should contact the Clerk or speak to a member of the Council. Any letter or email received by the day before a Parish Council meeting is reported to that meeting. If an item is an agenda item, or has previously been discussed by the Council, the Council may consider the matter at the meeting. If not then the item will be dealt with as a Matter Arising at the next meeting.

Clerk to the Parish Council


A list of the current Parish Councillors with contact details can be seen by going to the Parish Council Website

South Cambs, Cambridgeshire ….

Details on higher levels of government representatives  can be seen by clicking here…...


Jessie Brewer 
Clerk to Comberton Parish Council,
Tel: 07735 908 030

Email: @

Mail: Comberton Parish Council | PO Box 1549 | CAMBRIDGE DO | CB1 0ZS


Comberton Parish Council on the internet…

a bit of history and a pat on the back…

The Open University of Japan has made a series of programmes entitled ‘Local Government Governance’
and featured the work of Comberton Parish Council in one of them !

Here is an extract…