EWR Route Bedford – Cambourne – Cambridge South released

Plans for EWR have been updated following feedback from the second non-statutory public consultation.  EWR said proposals for a southern approach via the Cambridge Biomedical Campus would “connect more people with opportunities in Cambridge.”

EWR have said they have made “significant improvements” to the impact of a southern route by “reducing the need for and height of embankments and viaducts” through South Cambridgeshire.

To read their announcement click here

It glances to the west of Comberton between Toft village and CVC, as noted previously.

However the crossing over the A603 has moved east to over Washpit Lane rather than west of Royston Lane.

zooming in…click to enlarge

A final zoom in…



Future consultation We plan to start the statutory consultation on the preferred route and associated infrastructure, such as stations and level crossings, in the first half of 2024 to give you a further opportunity to share your views with us.

In the meantime, we’ll continue to engage with our stakeholders and the local community to help us refine the design before inviting the public to submit further feedback.

Consultation feedback will be carefully considered when finalising our proposals.