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Spitfire flew from Duxford for Thursday’s 8pm carers clap over South Cambridgeshire

A spitfire fighter plane from the Second World War flew over South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge on Thursday evening (May 28).

The spitfire set off from Duxford at 7:45pm and should fly over dozens of villages and towns on its way to Cambridge. It should be flying at 2,000 feet over South Cambridgeshire for the duration of the flight which will last around 45 minutes.

Hopefully it will pass Comberton on its way to Madingley and Cambridge…

… and it did flying eastwards over Manor Farm in Green End and the rec extension,  presumably  onto Madingley and Cambridge , but certainly not at 2000 ft !

The flight was to celebrate the NHS carers clap that has happened at 8pm every Thursday during lockdown.

However, this Thursday’s clap could be the last one according to the original organisers who want it to end at its peak rather than peter out.

picture and information shared from Cambridge News

Our Three Horseshoes Pub needs your help NOW !

Neil Urquhart, who is the father of Jim and Caragh Urquhart  the publicans of our only pub in the village, started a petition

“Cancel publicans rent during lockdown – zero income = zero rent”

and wanted to see if you could help by adding your name.

A failure by pub landlords to cancel pub rents during lockdown and beyond when a pub has no income is COMPLETELY UNFAIR.

His goal is to reach 100 signatures and he needs more support. You can read more and sign the petition here