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SCDC Planning Meeting rejects the Retirement ‘village’ planning application! !

A unanimous rejection from SCDC Shared Planning committee on 15th January !

Well done to Cllr Jessica Marshall  who spoke on behalf of Comberton Parish Council and to Cllr Claire Michel who spoke as a Comberton Resident on behalf of Comberton.

The link to the SCDC YouTube recording of the Planning Meeting should be here.

Local Cambridge News had a stark headline …

Retirement development branded ‘senior ghetto’ blocked from being built

Read their article here.

The SCDC Planning Chair praised  the level of support rejecting the application from both residents and responsible bodies and of  the depth of the response from CPC.

So many thanks to those who responded to the application with considered objections and to those who contributed to the CPC official response.

Hopefully any appeal  – if any is made – will be also be rejected and we won’t be faced with this vista in future years…

The current Parish Council topic is here …..