Contact Magazine


The Village Magazine – Contact – has been informing Comberton and surrounding village people for decades.

Contact Magazine has been uploaded here for on/off-line perusal and to be indexed by the search engines…. Note many editions are between 10-18Mb in size.









There was no Contact Magazine for May, June and July/August  2020 due to Corona virus situation




Previous months may be seen here

Initially produced by the vicarage on a Roneo stencil machine by the hands of God (Rev & Mrs Stephenson), using wax stencils (pictured right) , it was updated into the 20th Century by Richard Elleray using an Apple Macintosh Plus and an Apple Imagewriter.

Later this technology was upgraded to a Mac SE, then a Mac Quadra with an Apple Laserwriter, then finally an Apple G3 Power Mac.

Richard used local printers in Little Eversden, Milton and now the magazine uses Victoire Press at Bar Hill.

From a typewriter onto a stencil  through MacWrite to Adobe Pagemaker it made it into the 21st Century !

Thereafter it was edited by Anne Horler using Adobe Insight for a few years, and then by Suki Williams using MS Publisher.

Contact is printed monthly and distributed free-of-charge to every village household …..